Friday, June 1, 2012

Plasma tail bugs

Update: Added glBlend(). Now color looks like plasma tail (can see stars through tail). But rendering still has problems.

Currently, the plasma tail doesn't show up. To draw a cone, I'm calculating points that depict the base of the cone (2*pi*radius), and the tip (nucleus position). Using print statements, the comet's plasmaTail() draw function is actually being passed.

A vertex array of 1 comet. Cone has 12 slices, the even-numbered slices share the same vector because it's the tip.

Comet drawing comet_i

"0testComet" 0 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 1 83699.8 -80468.1 92593.8
"0testComet" 2 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 3 83786.4 -80418.1 92593.8
"0testComet" 4 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 5 83873 -80468.1 92593.8
"0testComet" 6 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 7 83873 -80568.1 92593.8
"0testComet" 8 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 9 83786.4 -80618.1 92593.8
"0testComet" 10 6.01287 -4.51122 6.28631
"0testComet" 11 83699.8 -80568.1 92593.8  

Bug #1: drawing fake cone at wherever cursor clicks
Instead of originating from comets, the base of the "cone" is where the cursor last clicked. The cone is revolving, and is actually a square base with two sides' triangles rendered. There's only one such "cone" visible. This could be all 34 cones being drawn on top of each other. (I used print statements to verify that there were 34 unique comet vertex array sets.

Bug #2: flashing rectangle 
There's a rectangle that brightens up already-white areas, such as the Sun's starlight. And it flashes. This doesn't happen when I downsize from full-screen mode.

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