Friday, April 27, 2012

Building Stellarium for Mac, and running on Qt

Follow these instructions first. If they work out, good:)
- Install macports
- sudo port selfupdate to sync
- If selfupdate fails due to rsync, then find port’s dir and change source.conf like this. If permissions denied (e.g. buffer is read-only) then type “sudo emacs source.conf” and this will give you control
- Use macports to install gettext and bzr
- bzr launchpad-login <username>
- Continue to follow instructions
- If cmake fails because QMAKE not found, search for CMakeCache.txt, find ‘Qt’ and replace FILE_PATH_NOT_FOUND. Change FILEPATH to e.g. /Users/<your_mac_username>/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/bin/qmake
- Then run cmake ../.. again
- Run make
- Run make install
- Run make macosx_bundle
- if macosx_bundle fails, go to CMakeFiles, emacs Makefile2
Delete line 136 after the colon
- Run macosx_bundle again

If you have any patches that need to be added, just run “bzr pull”

=== Qt ===
Use "bzr branch" and "bzr init-repo" to create your branches and shared repository. The directories that you create will be what's used for "Development/StelRepo/branches/testA" below, which is just an example; name it whatever you like.

Then: Follow these instructions

Except for
should just be the same folder as your branch
<address_until>/<branch_name> // Concrete example below

To RUN a new branch, must change Run Settings.
Under Projects (on the left panel), go to Run Settings:
working directory: /Users/<your_mac_username>/Development/StelRepo/branches/testA/src
change to: /Users/<your_mac_username>/Development/StelRepo/branches/testA/

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